Stripe alternative

Stripe Alternative Online Payment Processing

Looking for a Stripe Alternative?

We get many customers inquiring with regards to a Stripe alternative. To put it simply, Nochex is more cost effective, gives better customer support, and helps your business grow. Stripe has grown rapidly over the past 5 years, but with this growth has come automation, and forgetting about their merchants. Nochex is dedicated to supporting small – medium sized businesses. We have dedicated UK support that are always ready to help you with any questions!

Bespoke Merchant Services From the UK’s #1 Stripe Alternative

Stripe is often known to be a ‘one size fits all’ payment service provider – what works for big businesses, might not work for your small bespoke company. Nochex is the best Stripe alternative – we work with you to help your business grow!

The standout difference between Stripe and Nochex, is customer service. Nochex, as a Stripe alternative has UK based customer support and technical teams. That means if you need help with integration, you can pick up the phone and we’ll guide your through it. Or if you’ve received a chargeback and want some advice, our team of Leeds based payment experts are ready to help you.

stripe alternative from uk payment provider nochex

Customer Service When You Need It Most

“Fraudulent transactions cost my business hundreds – when I tried to call Stripe, there was no support, no account management, and no attempt to resolve my issues. That’s why I switched to Nochex.”

Nochex provides 24/7 telephone support from our offices here in the UK.

We’ve heard the horror stories before – some worse than others, some avoidable, some not. That’s why we make sure you can reach out to us when you need it most.

If you’re looking for a Stripe alternative that put’s customer service first, choose Nochex.

Stripe withhold your funds for a minimum 7 days.

Nochex understand how important cash flow is to your business.

Unlike Stripe, Nochex has a flexible approach to releasing funds. We tailor our solutions to allow you to have access to funds, whilst also safeguarding your account.

Every business has a different model, and we understand that the ‘one size fits all’ approach doesn’t always work. Cash flow is important, so we tailor our solutions with your business in mind.

stripe alternative nochex merchant account and payment gateway

Easy Access to Your Funds

We’ve heard many times that customers of Stripe have had their accounts closed, and funds held for 90 days!

At Nochex, we like to be clear with the way we manage our merchants – your dedicated account manager is always one phone call away from answering any of your questions.

Nochex ask merchants to apply for an account and go through a short boarding process.

We believe that if we understand your business from the outset we can make the management of your account very simple and supportive.


Stripe make merchants entirely responsible for their own fraud protection.

Nochex has several fraud prevention techniques including 3DS and internal monitoring tools.

Nochex protects merchants from fraud.

All your payments are protected using the 3D Secure for safer payments scheme. Because this is operated by the credit card companies you know it is there to protect you. Above all it is designed to make online transactions safer using Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode. Remember, Stripe does not offer 3D Secure Protection as standard.

Fraud Protection

Not sure what you need? Get in touch.

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